It is with great pride and excitement that I extend to you an invitation to the

4th annual EXTINCTION: Save the Planet – 2024 International online art exhibition.

I am selected to be on this online exhibition with 'Cry of the World'

I cannot wait for you to explore this powerful and thought-provoking collection of artworks that truly embody the spirit of our planet and the importance of its conservation.

The exhibition opens globally from April 10, and will continue for two months until June 10, 2024.

This unique exhibition showcases the talents of artists from around the world who have come together to amplify the voices of endangered species and habitats through their art. Each piece serves as a vivid and compelling reminder of the fragility of our environment, the threats it faces, and the urgent need for action to preserve its beauty for generations to come.

From breathtaking landscapes to poignant depictions of rare wildlife, the artworks in this exhibition highlight the diversity and richness of our natural world. As you navigate the online gallery, you'll witness how these artists have used their craft to call attention to the pressing issues facing our planet, such as climate change, deforestation, and the extinction of species.

I believe that art has the power to inspire change, and through this exhibition, we aim to spark conversations and motivate meaningful action to protect our planet. By visiting the online gallery, you have the opportunity to support these talented artists in their mission and engage with their powerful messages.

I encourage you to leave your ratings and comments on the artwork you visit. Your feedback not only helps me gain recognition for my impactful work but also fosters a sense of community and shared responsibility towards the environment.

Join me in celebrating the beauty of our planet and the power of art to create change. Together, we can work towards a brighter, more sustainable future.